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OPM Resource Hub - Lepidoptera biodiversity map

This interactive map has been created to support land managers in understanding the risks of OPM chemical control specifically to the wider moth and butterfly fauna. The maps have been created using data from the Butterflies for the New Millennium dataset and the National Moth Recording Scheme dataset from 2010-2016.

All resident species within the study area have been categorised to risk levels (7 categories) based on their ecology, feeding strategy, larval timing, larval food plant specificity and conservation status. Species that are at highest risk from OPM spray control techniques are those which have high conservation status, feed solely on Oak, are present in the larval stage at the time of OPM spray control and feed on the outside of Oak leaves (rather than feeding inside the leaves as 'leaf miners', in the stem or any other part of the tree). Risk therefore accounts for ways in which a species’ ecology exposes it to the control method, as well as taking conservation status into account. The species data have been analysed against a 1km grid across the study area to return the level of risk from OPM control within each 1km square. Given that the risk level is based on the available data, recording effort has been included. This can highlight areas that are data deficient and caution should be exercised when interpreting the level of risk in areas with less data. This data is accurate at the time of publishing but may be subject to future updates and/or changes.

Risk category Number of species
Highest risk species present: A priority species which only feeds on Oak is present at the correct time of year and could be exposed to spraying 6
High risk species present: A species which only feeds on Oak is present at the correct time of year and could be exposed to spraying 12
High risk species present: A high priority species which partially feeds on Oak (amongst other species) is present at the correct time of year and could be exposed to spraying 7
Moderate risk species present: A very high priority species which does not feed on Oak but is present at the correct time of year and could be exposed to spraying 3
Moderate risk species present: A species (not high priority) which partially feeds on Oak (amongst other species) is present at the correct time of year and could be exposed to spraying 71
Low risk species present: A species which is not in the larval stage at the time of spraying/correct time of year is present and has a lower risk of exposure to spraying 568
No risk data available 0