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OPM Resource Hub - Management Plan

Oak Processionary Moth Management Plan

This page is for web accessibility purposes only, to allow users who require screen reading technology to access these forms. If you wish to access a printable word version of this form go to OPM Management Plan in MS Word format or if you require a printable PDF version go to OPM Management Plan in PDF format.

To be completed by the plan author:
Woodland or Property name
OPM Management Plan case reference(Forestry Commission Official use only)
The landowner agrees this plan as a statement of intent for the site(Y/N)
Plan author name

For FC Use Only
Plan Period (dd/mm/yyyy –Five Years) Approval Date: Approved Until:
Five Year Review Date

Revision No. Date Status (draft/final) Reason for Revision

OPM Management Plan Criteria

Prior to submission review your plan against the criteria using the check list below.

# OPM Management Plan Criteria Minimum Approval Requirements Author Check
1 Plan Objectives:

OPM management plans should state the objectives of management and set out how an appropriate balance between social, economic, and environmental objectives will be achieved.

  • Management plan objectives are stated.
  • Consideration is given to environmental, economic and social objectives if relevant to the vision for the woodland.
  • 2 OPM context and important features in management strategy:

    OPM management plans should address the context of the pest particularly in relation to the plan objectives (e.g. where there is high footfall)

    Management intentions communicated in Sect. 6 of the management plan are in line with stated objective(s) Sect. 2.
    3 Identification of designations within and surrounding the site:

    For designated areas, e.g. National Parks or SSSI, particular account should be taken of landscape and other sensitivities in the design of forests and forest infrastructure.

  • Relevant designations have been considered, taking account of tree, public and animal health along with biodiversity.
  • 4 Management of OPM

    Lay out the procedures for monitoring, managing and communicating OPM

  • The plan follows the OPM online manual. Ideally there will be three sections: i) survey, ii) control iii) communications
  • 5 Consultation:

    Consultation on OPM management plans and proposals should be carried out, where required (e.g. SSSI’s).

  • Evidence that consideration of neighbours and authorities for designated areas has been shown.
  • 6 Plan Update and Review:

    Plans will be reviewed and updated when mutually needed

  • On an annual basis in September of each year information from surveillance and management has been presented in a suitable format as agreed with the FC

  • Section 1: Site Details

    Property name
    Name Owner (Manager)
    Email Contact Number
    Agent Name (if applicable)
    Email Contact Number
    County Local Authority
    Grid Reference Single Business Identifier
    What is the total area of this OPM management plan? (In hectares)
    Have you attached a map depicting the location of oak trees (ideally GIS) in Sections 4 and 5.2?
    Have you included an Inventory of Oak and operations plan within this OPM management plan?
    Have you listed the maps associated with this woodland management plan? E.g. SSSI’s, risk zoning (with appropriate explanation)
    If you don’t wish for this plan to be shared, please state your reason. (N.B. the plan would not be shared until after agreement with Forestry Commission)

    Section 2: Vision and Objectives

    2.1 Vision

    Insert text here:

    2.2 OPM Management Objectives


    Section 3: OPM Survey

    Please attach a GIS shapefile/MAGIC file showing oak locations below.

    Section 3.1: Description

    Brief description of the OPM on the property

    Section 3.2: Information

    Within Woodland(s)
    Adjacent to Woodland(s)
    Map No
    Site of Specific Scientific Interest
    Special Area of Conservation
    Scheduled Ancient Monument
    Tree Preservation Order
    Conservation Area
    Special Protection Area
    Ramsar Site
    National Nature Reserve
    Local Nature Reserve
    Other (please Specify):
    Site of Nature Conservation Interest (SNCI)
    Park and Garden of Special Historic Interest (PGSHI)

    Within Woodlands(s)
    Adjacent to Woodland(s)
    Map No
    Environmental considerations (Y/N)
    Section 41 butterflies and moths (if yes, please provide any details of monitoring plans)
    Other (please Specify):
    Oak specific Lepidoptera
    Boundaries and Veteran Trees
    CROW Access
    Public Rights of Way (any)
    Other Access Provision
    Public Involvement
    Visitor Information
    Public Recreation Facilities
    Provision of Learning Opportunities
    Anti-social Behaviour
    Other (please Specify):
    Other (please specify):

    Section 4: OPM Management

    4.1 Risk Matrix

    Assessment Year
    Workplace Address
    Assessment Date
    Name of Assessor
    Associate Documents
    Expected Review Date

    Risk Rating Matrix Minor Serious Major Extreme
    Likelihood Likely Low Medium High High
    Possible Low Medium Medium High
    Unlikely Low Low Medium High
    Rare Low Low Low Medium

    4.1.1 Risk due to OPM contact

    What are the hazards related to OPM contact? Who might be harmed and how? Risk Rating before mitigation (H, M, L) What are the existing controls? Risk Rating after mitigation (H, M, L) What further action is necessary? Always when Risk is Medium or High Action by when / whom Action complete (Date)

    4.1.2 Risk due to OPM Management

    What are the hazards related to OPM control? Who might be harmed and how? Risk Rating before mitigation (H, M, L) What are the existing controls? Risk Rating after mitigation (H, M, L) What further action is necessary? Always when Risk is Medium or High Action by when / whom Action complete (Date)

    4.2 Zone mapping

    Please attach GIS shapefiles here:

    4.3 Survey and monitoring plan

    Insert text here:

    4.4 Control plan

    Risk Zone Control Method Reasoning

    4.5 Communication

    Insert text here:

    Section 5: Consultation

    Insert text here:

    Section 6: Monitoring Progress

    Management Objective/Activities Indicator of Progress/ Success Date Method of Assessment Responsibility Interim Assessment Action required Annual assessment

    Section 7: Approval

    This means FC is happy with your plan; it meets Forestry Commission requirements.
    Name (Forestry Commission) Date
    Year 1
    Year 2
    Year 3
    Year 4
    Year 5